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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 13 - Best EdTech Tools

Day 13: Name the top edtech tools that you use on a consistent basis in the classroom, and rank them in terms of their perceived (by you) effectiveness.

I do my planning either in my desktop at home or in the classroom. I like the feedback that I get from the big keyboard and I like the big screen for instructional planning. For social media communication and quick notes, I like my iPad 3, which my district provides for all teachers. For my students, I like them to use their iPads minis, which the district provides for them as per their Technology initiatives.

In terms of communication, nothing beats Edmodo, in my opinion. I definitively take advantage of Edmodo as a learning tool. I am in contact with my students via Edmodo. I send them reminders for assignments and they can use the teacher and classmates as resources. The application that I have found most useful in terms of collaboration, cooperation and extension beyond the school walls, is Google Aps. Through their iCloud accounts, students can work on the same document while they are at home. This has been a great tool for accountability as students are able to connect with each other virtually anywhere and cannot use the old excuse of not being able to go to someone’s house to complete a project. This is also very helpful to learners who are unorganized and forgetful. It is helpful for them to be able to access their calendars, lessons, notes from me when they are not in school. 

For vocab practice, I like Quizlet. For presentations I like Prezi, Keynote, Notability and Haiku Deck  and Pic Collage. 

For interpersonal communication, I use Todaysmeet since our students don't have access to Twitter at school. I also use Skype to connect with students from other parts of the world. This has been a very exciting and positive experience for our students.  

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